Bhartiya Darshan Eak Parichay (An Introduction To Indian Philosophy)

Motilal Banarsidass International

Regular price Rs. 365.00

  • ISBN: 9788196213763
  • Author: Satischandra Chatterjee & Dhirendramohan Datta
  • Binding: PB
  • Language:  English
  • Subject: Philosophy
  • Pages: 442

    About the Book

    The object of this book is to provide a simple introduction to the Indian systems of philosophy. Each one of these systems has a west and varied development and cannot be treated adequately in a brief work like this. Attempt has been made to introduce the reader to the spirit and outlook of Indian philosophy and help him to grasp thorouthly the central ideas rather than acquaint him with minute details. Modern students of philosophy feel many di culties in understanding the Indian problems and theories. Their long experience with university students has helped the authors to realise these, and they have tried to remove them as far as possible, This account for most of the critical discussions which could otherwise have been dispensed with.