About the Book:
The subject of Comparative Religion as scientific study of the varioys features of the different religions of the world in a comparative perspective is relatively a late development. It is hardly for a hundred years or so that the name ‘Comparative Religion’ has gained currency and studies in this direction have been taken up in right earnest. One important reason of this late beginning of the study of the subject may be attributed to the fact that most of the scientific studies of modern times have originated from the west and western people until recently entertained such a sense of supremacy in their head and heart regarding their own religion that they hardly thought it worthwhile in compare it with the religions of the east.
About the Author:
K.N.Tiwari :- Dr. Kedar Nath Tieari has done a great service to the cause of promoting the study of Comparative Religion by writing a book on the subject. His book is written in a very lucid style and contains enough material for initiating students and scholars for further research and study in the field.